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Page Experience!! a 21-05-2013 - 23:15:43
The experience will be the reflexion of all the races held by the pigeons, the more races and the better results will give more experience to the bird.
Soon the experience will appear in the pigeons stats, but it will only count to races results in the next season!
Server problems. a 17-02-2013 - 23:30:30
An internet connection failure on the servers prevented normal access for the users to Pigeons Manager last night, which has prevented some players for basketing.
Our administrators have been online until 02:00 and from 09:00. They did not encountered any problems, which leads us to believe that problems existed between that time.
Right now the game has no tools to go back and reset / redo the competition.
We apologize for the inconvenience, but unfortunately these are situations that can occur and its prevention is out of our reach!
Pigeon's anniversary a 03-11-2012 - 13:07:31
In order to know the next anniversary of a specific pigeons, enter the pigeon's page and pass the "mouse" on top of the age.
I wish you a good season 5!
Bets a 10-10-2012 - 11:39:17
The betting system is again operational.
We apologize for possible flaws, but it's in a testing phase!
Soon we will apply some changes to the system to make it more flexible and attractive.
Basketing a 25-07-2012 - 12:45:23
To help the more distracted player the games gives now the opportunity define in advance what the pigeons to send to all competitions of the season.
You can choose several weeks before which pigeons to basket, including breeders.
24 hours before each competition, chosen pigeons will automatically be removed from breeders and get them ready to be sent along with the other racers.
If you do not want to use this option use the the normal basketing up to 15m before the race!
Loft Value a 03-07-2012 - 15:04:25
From now on the loft value is no longer calculated using the sum of all pigeons values. The value of the loft now depends on two factors, the number of pigeons and the division.
More pigeons you have, more the loft value grows, higher divisions have higher values??!
Good luck to all for the next season!
Some changes a 27-06-2012 - 23:46:50
Minor changes were made in the financial system of the game in order to balance it.
- Money spent on increasing the loft limit, food, health and maintenance used to be distributed by all players, now it is only distributed by ACTIVE players, so there is an increase of capitalization for those who really play.
- In order to motivate the competition, the value of the prizes has been increased significantly to reward the good results. Thus, a more numerous loft can bring more prizes and help the finances of the fancier.
- The costs of food, health and maintenance are now proportionate to the value of the loft.
Now let's wait awhile to see the effect of these measures in the financial system and evaluate if they are sufficient.
Train changes a 06-03-2012 - 21:57:11
Begining on Friday, 09/03/2012, the effects of training are no longer updated at 00h10m! Each bird will have its own update schedule. Each bird will have an hour/minute of the day on which the effects of the workout will be felt.
This measure is intended to give more dynamic to the training and to facilitate data processing, distributing it through the day.
Season 2 is over! a 05-03-2012 - 21:49:01
The second season of Pigeons Manager is over.
Congratulations to all the winners and all those who managed to be promoted!
During this week all prizes will be distribuite and the promotions and demotions will be done!
Attack! a 13-02-2012 - 14:40:37
In the last hours Pigeons Manager was target of an attack. A security flaw was exploited in order to discover the password for some users.
The problem is being solved, but we ask all players to change their password as soon as possible.
USERS ONLINE | Romania | 6 | | United States | 2 | | France | 2 | | Spain | 2 | | Portugal | 2 | | Macedonia | 2 |